The Four Agreements By; Miguel Ruiz
Book Discussion and Workshop given by Deb Titus
"The GOAL of this BOOK CLUB is to have FUN while supporting each other in a journey of SELF- AWARENESS. As a group we will be discussing and interpreting the book, The Four Agreements.
Each woman will be given a journaling or life skill tool to practice with the group and/ or at home."
Bring a notebook, a pencil and a smile.
MUST REGISTER by August 17th. Space is limited. Bring a friend.
Cost is $40.00 plus the purchase of the book.
When- Wednesday September 5, October 3, November 7 6:30- 8:30
(December's date to be determined)
I'm looking forward to the Ugly Dog Contest and Artisan Fair on Saturday, October 26th! I'll be there with my dog sculptures and my ugly little dog too!